
A Note from The Publisher

Jan. 17-23

By Jen Brozak--Publisher, Macaroni Kid North Huntingdon January 17, 2019

Hello, MacKid Readers:

I hope you’re staying warm and enjoying the week as we prepare for a potential Snowmagedden! If the grocery store this morning was any indication, people are taking these snowstorm warnings seriously—in true Western PA fashion, shopping carts were being loaded with ALL the milk, bread and toilet paper!

I, for one, am looking forward to a major snowstorm. Last week’s snow was just a tease (and had already started to melt by the time my kiddo was outside and ready to sled ride). We need some good sledding, fort-making, snowman-building snow totals. Who’s with me? 

Speaking of snowstorms, they’re an excellent time to hunker down with a hot cup of cocoa and a good book--and where better to find a great book than at your local library? This week, I’m introducing a series I’m quite excited about: Meet Your Local Children’s Librarian! My first article features Barbara McKee, who’s the Children’s Librarian at Norwin Public Library! 

This week’s newsletter also features more ways to help you and your family get more organized this year. There’s a great article on how to create a monthly meal plan, as well a thoughtful piece on how one family is determined to simplify by taking on a year of “less.” Finally, if we ARE snowed in this week, there’s a great piece on five games that your family will love, including one of my all-time favorites: UNO!

If we do get a major storm, please stay safe out there! Have a great week and stay warm!