
Boredom Buster Video: Countdown Workout for Kids

By Kerry Zema, Macaroni Kid North Huntingdon publisher March 17, 2020

Whenever the kids are beginning to bicker, or maybe they have been sitting around with their tablets a little too long, I announce, "Countdown workout time!" We start with one repetition of a fun exercise, then add two repetitions of a different exercise or movement, followed by one of the first exercise. The next round starts with THREE repetitions of another new exercise, then we repeat two and one. We usually work our way up to 10 repetitions, and it is certainly a fun way to get the heart pumping! Have your family follow along with us in the video below, and then make up your own exercises and movements!

A little tip: If you have more than one kiddo participating, use a beach towel or a yoga mat to keep them each in their own areas. This way, they're not running into each other!

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